General terms & conditions
The entire content included in this site, including but not limited to text, graphics or code is copyrighted as a collective work under the United States and other copyright laws, and is the property of iRep Auto Detail Supply. Permission is granted to electronically copy and print hard copy portions of this site for the sole purpose of placing an order with iRep Auto Detail Supply. You may display and, subject to any expressly stated restrictions or limitations relating to specific material, download or print portions of the material from the different areas of the site solely for your own non-commercial use, or to place an order with iRep Auto Detail Supply. Any other use, including but not limited to the reproduction, distribution, display or transmission of the content of this site is strictly prohibited, unless authorized in writing by iRep Auto Detail Supply. Use of our photos and content to resell our products without express written consent from iRep Auto Detail Supply is strictly prohibited. You further agree not to change or delete any proprietary notices from materials downloaded from the site.
Typographical Errors
In the event that a product is mistakenly listed at an incorrect price, iRep Auto Detail Supply reserves the right to refuse or cancel any orders placed for product listed at the incorrect price. iRep Auto Detail Supply reserves the right to refuse or cancel any such orders whether or not the order has been confirmed and your credit card charged. If your credit card has already been charged for the purchase and your order is cancelled, iRep Auto Detail Supply shall issue a credit to your credit card account in the amount of the incorrect price.